Tag: Asiago Garlic Alfredo

-I ❤ Alfredo, Spaghetti, Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Meatballs

Day 44, Meal 105

My Rating:

My Rating:For meal 2 of 3 today, during the I ❤ Alfredo theme, I’m going with something I thought sounded interesting, Spaghetti, Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Meatballs [Half]: So, the picture totally doesn’t do this meal justice, at all. This was RIDICULOUSLY good and totally unexpected. I can’t believe how much I LOVED this meal, you NEED to try it. Definitely another 10/10! Here is the Ziosk showing a cost savings of $14.82: Here is the nutritional information for this meal:

-Gluten-Free(ish), Gluten-Free Rotini, Traditional Meat Sauce & Crispy Shrimp Fritta [Refill]

Day 41, Meal 89

My Rating:

My Rating:Today’s theme is Gluten-Free(ish), which means I’m be having Glueten-Free Rotini across 6 VISITS today, ALL with Crispy Shrimp Fritta (which has Gluten), and each being with a new sauce (4 have Gluten). I haven’t had this pasta much so this gives me the chance to directly compare the pasta with a different sauce. 1 of 6 sauces up is Asiago Garlic Alfredo: So, while this looks great, it was a little bland, with the HUGE exception for those bites combined with the awesome garlic cloves from the Asiago Garlic Alfredo. The Shrimp was great too, but once I ran […]

-You're My Favorite, Whole Grain Linguine, Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Crispy Shrimp Fritta/Grilled Chicken [Refill]

Day 39, Meal 80

My Rating:

My Rating:Today is my first attempt at 4 meals in 1 day! I can’t help but think of this Al Bundy reference: For meal 1 of 4, I went with a similar meal as yesterday, Whole Grain Linguine, Asiago Garlic Alfredo, Crispy Shrimp Fritta AND I’m adding some Grilled Chicken: Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum. This is definitely better with the Grilled Chicken added in! Give it a try. 10/10. Here is the Ziosk showing a cost savings of $15.88: Here is the nutritional information for this meal:

-You're My Favorite, Whole Grain Linguine, Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Crispy Shrimp Fritta [Refill]

Day 38, Meal 77

My Rating:

My Rating:If you’ve been following along, you may have seen that I’ve been doing the “Make Me Shrimpy” theme the past couple of days, with the goal of losing a couple of pounds from exceeding my calories this past week outside of my normal Olive Garden meals, with the likes of Pizza, Ice Cream, Candy, etc… So I committed to lowering my calories from 2600 to 1400, and having 3 smaller meals a day, instead of 2 larger. I was 155.6 pounds on Monday, and today I’m 152.8, which is lower than when I started this journey on September 25th […]

-Double Meat, Whole Grain Linguine [Refill], Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Crispy Shrimp Fritta/Grilled Chicken

Day 35, Meal 69

My Rating:

My Rating:It’s my last day of Double Meat. For lunch, I’m going with Whole Grain Linguine, Asiago Garlic Alfredo & Crispy Chicken Fritta/Grilled Chicken: At this point, I have NO idea what my favorite meal is. I feel like I have so many favorites that I really should narrow it down. Because this really was an incredible meal and I really really want to say it’s my new favorite, but since I’ve said that so much lately with many of my recent meals, I’m just going to say: It was AMAZING. 10/10. This has both a full serving of each topping, […]