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-Dine-In, Ravioli di Portobello

Day 58, Meal 144

For dinner tonight, I decided to head back to Olive Garden, after missing an entire day inside the restaurant. Since I had a Leftover meal yesterday for lunch, a To-Go order for dinner, and another Leftover meal today for lunch, I guess I shouldn’t really be craving the OG… But for some reason, I am. […]

-To-Go, Cheese-Filled Gnocchi with Grilled Chicken

Day 57, Meal 142

It’s the first day without dining-in at Olive Garden in 8 Weeks, and as you saw earlier I had some leftover Cavatappi, Alfredo & Grilled Chicken for lunch. I apparently lost track of time and meals today as I realized very late in the day that all I had was 630 calories, from that single […]