Tag: Five Cheese Marinara

-50/50 Sauce Week, Rigatoni, Five Cheese Marinara/Traditional Meat Sauce & Italian Sausage

Day 9, Meal 18

My Rating:

My Rating:Dinner tonight consists of Rigatoni, Five Cheese Marinara/Traditional Meat Sauce & Italian Sausage: Back on Day 1, Meal 2 I had basically the same meal, except that was solely Five Cheese Marinara. Surprisingly, it makes a bit of a difference. It’s no surprise to my readers by now that I LOVE cheese which means I LOVE Five Cheese Marinara. While this was a very good meal, I MUCH preferred without half the Traditional Meat Sauce taking up precious real estate on my plate. And while I added in quite a bit of Romano, it just wasn’t the same. Here is […]

-50/50 Sauce Week, Rigatoni, Asiago Garlic Alfredo/Five Cheese Marinara & Crispy Chicken Fritta

Day 8, Meal 15

My Rating:

My Rating:For Week 2, I am going with the theme “50/50 Sauce Week”. Every meal, I’ll do a new combination of sauces mixed together, because that just adds another layer of awesomeness to this promotion that Olive Garden provides. I went with a strong choice to start the theme, slightly altering my top rated 10/10 meal from Day 6, Meal 11, except I halved the Five Cheese Marinara and added in some Asiago Garlic Alfredo: While this sounds even BETTER than with Five Cheese Marinara solo, it unfortunately pales in comparison.  I felt that it lacked the same bold cheesy flavor, […]

-Testing the Waters, Rigatoni, Five Cheese Marinara & Crispy Chicken Fritta

Day 6, Meal 11

My Rating:

My Rating:I was REALLY looking forward to today’s lunch meal, as I ran a trail 5k this morning with my dad. We needed a post meal celebration, so I took him out to eat, at Olive Garden of course, and I ordered a meal that I saw on a facebook group, Olive Garden Never Ending Pasta Pass Holders, that sounded really good to me, consisting of Rigatoni, Five Cheese Marinara & Crispy Chicken Fritta: …and with cheese: So how does it rate? This meal is off the charts!!! 10/10 for sure. Everything about it was perfect for me, it just worked […]

-Testing the Waters, Gluten-Free Rotini, Five Cheese Marinara & Crispy Chicken Fritta

Day 4, Meal 7

My Rating:

My Rating:So here we are, meal 7. My LAST new pasta option available to me since I’ve tried the other 6, Gluten-Free Rotini. I paired that with my favorite sauce, Five Cheese Marinara along with Crispy Chicken Fritta: ..And I know what you are thinking: “Wow, finally a meal without grated cheese on top. Nope, don’t worry: As this was the first time having the Gluten-Free Rotini, I wasn’t really sure what to expect texture and taste wise, but it was great and did not disappoint. I have no reason to actually eat Gluten-Free, as you can tell with my […]

-Testing the Waters, Cavatappi, Five Cheese Marinara & Crispy Shrimp Fritta

Day 2, Meal 3

My Rating:

My Rating:For my third meal, I did a lot of back and forth on what I wanted to have. I like to plan my choices ahead of time, and I knew I wanted to try the Shrimp Fritta, but wasn’t really sure how to enjoy them, which pasta or sauce to get… I finally selected Cavatappi with Five Cheese Marinara.. Glad I did: For those savvy shoppers out there, if you are considering getting Shrimp Fritta and don’t have a Pasta Pass, ensure you get it for your first choice, as it’s the most expensive ($4.99 add-on in my area) […]